Sunday, October 2, 2011

Jubilee devotions - 1

Over the next week, I plan to post the thoughts and discussions shared during Dr Sam Thomas's time with us. There is quite a good possibility of a lack of continuity in what is put in the blog as it depends on whether I'm around when the discussions had occured.

Today was the first day where we were challenged on the issue of stewardship.

There was a discussion on our attitude about the way we share our resources which includes time. Do we realise that all our resources is from a Giver, to whom we are accountable. I was reminded that we sang the song, 'All to Jesus I surrender' twice today, once during the morning service at the church and the second time in the evening fellowship. I wondered whether I've accepted the fact that all of my things have been given by the Lord and there is big onus on me to use it best way for the extension of the kingdom.

The second thought which was put forward was the issue of trusting the Lord for all of eternity which we are quite used to and accept without much problem, but the major difficulty we face in trusting the Lord in our day to day functioning.

The last thought was based on the life of Peter. The base Bible verses were 2 Peter 1: 16-20. The discussion was centred on the encounter that Peter claimed to have. The phrases 'beheld (saw) / heard / with him' that cemented the belief Peter had on the Lordship of Christ was the focus.

3 incidents in Peter's life were looked at. In Matthew 16, there is Peter's response to Jesus on who he thought Jesus was. In the same chapter, Jesus rebukes Peter when he objects to the pain he has to suffer.

The transfiguration on the mount (Luke 9:28-36), where Peter insisted on building booths for Jesus, Moses and Elijah to stay was the second incident. Here, there is a voice from heaven which tells the 3 disciples to listen to Jesus.

The third incident was the betrayal, where he denies knowing Jesus to the 3 people just before the crucifixion. Later, Peter almost restarts his profession of fishing, before Jesus comes to him and assigns him to feed His sheep.

Dr Sam was challenging us on whether we are able to see Christ in our daily lives. Do we take extra effort to hear his voice? And last of all, do we enjoy his presence (being with the Lord)?

He narrated a line of a letter from a friend who was quite sick and subsequently went to be with the Lord. 'I'm not looking forward for the healing, but I'm looking forward to see the healer'.